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Events Calendar Plugin

Many of our customers provide events that they want their audiences to be aware of. We typically use the Events Calendar plugin to help them create an easy-to-use, mobile-friendly calendar to accomplish that goal.

But, in addition to being nice software, their website is really well done. The homepage is colorful and has a nice mix of human/real photos and fun illustrations. The typography is bold, well-scaled, and calls to action are clear.

They also use a really nice set of tabs to showcase & hide multiple levels of information in a way that provides a number of options for visitors to see, without being burdensome.

Example of tabs from the Events Calendar plugin website

To help users see all of their products/offerings, they have a nice, colorful grid with illustrations that highlight the concept of what the product does. This is a really great approach when the product/feature is abstract and the concept is what needs to be communicated.

Features highlighted with illustrations

On the product pages, the pricing is clear in the top “Hero” headline and they have a tabular menu right below that allows a visitor to get exactly where they want to go on the page without much effort. The information they provide on the product pages are comprehensive, solutions focused, and interactive.

The benefit of their product page approach is that it de-risks downloading or purchasing the trial. Nearly any question – or objection – a prospective customer has is addressed. If not, live chat is available to ask questions.

Very well done site.


  • Mobile-friendly
  • "Clean" design
  • Clear "Calls to Action" for enhanced conversion
  • Good typographical contrast
  • Modern, elegant design
  • Bold, artistic design
  • Modern, Professional design
  • Custom icons
  • E-Commerce
  • Integrate with your system(s) of choice!

SuperWebPros has no affiliation with this company or its creative, including its website. We did not design, do not host, and do not maintain any digital assets for this company. It is presented merely for demonstration and evaluative purposes.