Ruby Receptionists
Ruby Receptionists provides virtual receptionist & live chat services for growing businesses. Their pricing is broken down into different packages, based on the number of receptionist minutes a client might need.
What we like about this
There’s a lot that’s good about this site. From their use of good typography and ample white space making the site highly skimmable, to their friendly design motif, ample social proof, and personalized images, it’s clear they spent a lot of time thinking about user experience. The site loads really quickly, especially considering how many moving text & images they have (hint: they use gifs for the images to keep file size down). The navigation is also really friendly, including not just a title of a page, but also a micro-description of what to expect when you click the link. Finally, they have a really great blend of custom elements (photography, icons) and stock elements done in a way that makes the stock items feel just as authentic as the proprietary ones.
As an aside, their marketing follow up is also really great.
Suggestions we might make
This site checks nearly every box for great web design. The only suggestion we might make is how distractingly loud their “Let’s Chat” popup chime is. It’s already a popup, which catches attention and more subtle chime would be less embarrassing when we’re looking at websites instead of paying attention to the meeting we’re supposed to be in. Overall, a delightful sight.
- Mobile-friendly
- "Clean" design
- Clear "Calls to Action" for enhanced conversion
- Good typographical contrast
- Bold, engaging design
- Bold, artistic design
- Modern, Professional design
- Visual testimonials
- Integrate with your system(s) of choice!
- Nice conversion funnel designed to be helpful, not just get leads
- Social proof from video testimonials
- Bright, engaging colors & photos of real people make the site friendly
Design Details
Everything on this site can be tweaked, updated, augmented, or reduced to meet your requirements. This information is only intended to help inform your aesthetic.
- Header Font: Sofia Pro, 700
- Body Font: Sofia Pro, 500
SuperWebPros has no affiliation with this company or its creative, including its website. We did not design, do not host, and do not maintain any digital assets for this company. It is presented merely for demonstration and evaluative purposes.